Template Basics

Unleash the Power of Templates in Quill

At Quill, we believe in empowering you to make the most of your meetings. We understand that different meetings have different goals. Sometimes you need a quick summary, other times a detailed action plan. How can one tool cater to such diverse needs? The answer lies in Quill's powerful templating system. This post explores how templates transform meetings from simple recordings into structured, actionable outcomes. We'll delve into customizing existing templates, creating new ones, and exploring the potential of the upcoming template gallery. How can you tailor Quill to your specific workflow? Let's discover the answers together.

Taming the Template Beast: Customization

Think of templates like blueprints for your meeting notes. They dictate the structure and content of the output. At Quill, we provide a range of default templates, each designed for a specific purpose. Perhaps you need a concise summary of key decisions and action items after an internal sync. The "Decisions and Actions" template is your go-to. But what if you only need the top five insights, not ten? No problem! Simply adjust the template parameters to suit your needs. Customization puts you in control.

"A template is a structured way to get something specific out of a meeting every time you have that kind of meeting." [Nick]

Let's say you're an executive coach using the "One-on-One Review" template. You might want to add a section for personalized feedback or goals. With Quill, you can easily modify the template to incorporate these elements. It’s like adding ingredients to a recipe – tweak it until it’s perfect for your taste. This flexibility ensures that the output aligns perfectly with your objectives.

"You can go ahead on any template, click the instructions and edit and create your own ones." [Nick]

Imagine needing only the top three discussion points from a brainstorming session. Simply modify the "Brainstorming" template to reflect this. This level of customization ensures you get precisely the information you require, streamlining your workflow and saving valuable time.

Building from Scratch: Creating Custom Templates

Quill offers more than just customization. You can craft entirely new templates from the ground up. Imagine you're a project manager needing a template to track progress, deadlines, and risks. Simply define the structure, headings, and content elements you need. It’s like building with LEGOs – piece by piece, you create a structure perfectly tailored to your requirements.

"So just experiment and then you can go ahead and save the template..." [Nick]

Let’s say you’re a teacher wanting to summarize student presentations. You could create a template with sections for key arguments, supporting evidence, and areas for improvement. The possibilities are endless. Building your own templates gives you complete control over how your meeting information is organized and presented.

"...and soon you’ll actually be able to publish it as well in our gallery and share it with other people." [Nick]

Consider a sales team needing to capture lead qualifications, next steps, and follow-up actions. A custom template ensures consistent data capture across the team, facilitating analysis and reporting. This tailored approach ensures everyone is on the same page and working with the same information.

Sharing: The Template Gallery

At Quill, we believe in the power of community. That's why we're launching a web-based template gallery. Soon, you'll be able to share your custom creations with other Quill users. This fosters collaboration and allows you to benefit from the ingenuity of others.

"So that’s a really cool thing about Quill." [Nick]

Imagine discovering a template perfectly suited to your needs, created by another user in your industry. The gallery will become a hub for innovation and best practices. This collaborative approach empowers users to learn from each other and continuously improve their meeting workflows.

"Templating is very powerful." [Nick]

Think of the template gallery as an app store for meetings. Browse, download, and adapt templates to streamline your workflow. This sharing ecosystem will accelerate innovation and unlock new possibilities for using Quill.

The Power of Structure: Conclusion

Quill's templating system offers a powerful way to structure and organize your meeting outputs. From customizing existing templates to building entirely new ones, and soon sharing them through the template gallery, Quill adapts to your specific needs. We believe that every meeting has value, and templates help you extract that value efficiently and effectively. Whether you're a CEO, a teacher, or a project manager, Quill empowers you to transform your meetings into actionable insights.