Search & Ask Quill

Unlock the Power of Search in Quill: Find What You Need, When You Need It

At Quill, we understand the importance of efficient access to your meeting data. Time is precious, and sifting through countless notes can be a real drain. That's why we've developed robust search capabilities designed to quickly surface the information you need, whether you're looking across all your meetings or deep within a single session. This tutorial explores two distinct search approaches within Quill, demonstrating how they empower you to find specific details, analyze conversations, and ultimately, gain valuable insights from your meetings. How can you quickly locate a specific mention of a person? What about exploring thematic elements discussed within a meeting? We'll answer these questions and more.

Global Search: Your Meeting Archive at Your Fingertips

Imagine having a universal search bar for all your meetings. With Quill, that's exactly what you get. Our global search functionality lets you quickly search across all your stored meetings, regardless of when they took place. Simply type in a keyword, like a person's name, and Quill will instantly surface every instance of that keyword across your entire meeting history. Each mention is highlighted, allowing for quick navigation and context retrieval. Think of it like a powerful spotlight, illuminating relevant information across your vast library of meeting data.

"Okay, so give me all instances of the name Eric, right?" [Nick]

This global search isn't just about finding names. It's a full-text search, meaning you can search for any word or phrase. This allows for powerful filtering and analysis, enabling you to quickly locate specific discussions, decisions, or action items across all your meetings. You can further refine your search within specific meetings for even more targeted results.

"...and you can see, in minutes and full notes, we, the word Eric is included." [Nick]

This comprehensive search capability eliminates the need to manually review individual meeting records, saving you time and effort. You can quickly jump to the exact moment a topic was discussed, facilitating faster follow-up and decision-making.

In-Meeting Search: Deep Dive into Specific Conversations

Beyond global search, Quill offers granular in-meeting search capabilities. This allows you to drill down into specific conversations within a meeting, using a combination of keywords and context-aware prompts. Imagine you want to recall what was said about a particular project during a team meeting. Simply enter the project name and Quill will highlight every relevant mention within the meeting transcript.

"So if I go to this meeting, this looks like it was an executive coaching session. And I want to know exactly what Laura said about my mental health." [Nick]

Quill's in-meeting search goes beyond simple keyword matching. Our advanced "Ask Quill" (QuillGPT) feature allows you to use natural language prompts to explore specific themes and sentiments within a meeting. For example, you can ask “What were the key takeaways from this brainstorming session?” or “What were John’s concerns about the new marketing plan?” and Quill will intelligently summarize the relevant discussion points.

"So this is an example of how you can use search within a meeting. So that's really cool. And you can go find the exact best quote for suggestion for what I do next, something like that." [Nick]

This level of granular search allows for a much deeper understanding of your meeting content. You can quickly analyze conversations, identify key themes, and extract actionable insights without having to listen to the entire recording.

Ask Quill: Generative Insights From Your Meetings

Ask Quill represents the cutting edge of meeting intelligence. It leverages generative AI to understand the nuances of your conversations and provide you with targeted insights. It can identify action items, summarize key decisions, and even analyze sentiment expressed by different participants.

"Okay, so we can, you can do so many things with searching using Quill, using AskQuill and that's a very powerful feature." [Nick]

Imagine being able to instantly extract a list of action items from a complex project meeting, or quickly understand the overall sentiment towards a proposed strategy. Ask Quill makes this possible, allowing you to leverage the full power of your meeting data.

"Great. New morning routine. Sounds like a good idea. reframing work life balance. Boom boom." [Nick]

Ask Quill empowers you to go beyond simple search and extract truly meaningful insights from your meetings. It’s like having a dedicated research assistant, always ready to analyze and summarize your conversations.

The Power of Accessible Meeting Data

At Quill, we believe that your meeting data is a valuable asset. Our powerful search features, from global keyword searches to the advanced capabilities of Ask Quill, are designed to unlock the full potential of this asset. By making your meeting data easily searchable and analyzable, we empower you to gain deeper insights, make faster decisions, and ultimately, work more effectively. We're constantly working to improve our search functionality, bringing you even more powerful tools to navigate and analyze your meeting conversations.

"So yeah, that's a little bit about how to search in Quill." [Nick]